We will now think about sharing our thoughts, feelings or knowledge on or about a topic. We are considering this specifically because we have already identified that the role of the Assistant Life Mechanic is not to offer advice and guidance, however, there is a role to play in terms of sharing information. Although this initially might sound like semantics (playing with words), there is a significant difference between sharing and guiding. Here are some guidelines to consider: We should always encourage the participant to be creative in identify choices and resources before we step in to share ideas. If we do share information, or our thoughts and feelings, it should only ever be to enable the participant to widen their options and perspectives. We shouldn’t attempt to sell our ideas or convince others that they are the best choice. We need to be careful in the language we use, and the attitude with which we share. It is always about enabling the individual to choose and respecting their autonomy. Times when sharing reflections and ideas can be useful can include when someone is not aware of a resource which might be open to them. For example, someone new to an area might not know about a local resource which might be able to help them with a situation they are facing. In an example like this you might consider offering the information in the following manner: Have you heard about …? What you were talking about sounds like just the sort of thing they are involved in helping people with. You will notice here that emphasis is on broadening perspectives rather than encouraging someone to take a specific course of action.